Business Insider

Big, Glorious Photos Of Our 64GB iPhone 4S Unboxing

iphone 4s angle 400
Ellis Hamburger, Business Insider

Well, it took until 3PM for UPS to deliver our 64GB iPhone 4S, but it finally got here.

We've taken some big photos of Apple's newest baby inside Apple's famously minimalist packaging.

Also, we've done a full size comparison between our 2.5 year old iPhone 3GS and the new iPhone 4, a cool illustration into how far iPhone has come.

Here it, our brand new 64GB iPhone 4S. Oh, the good times we have ahead of us.

iphone 4s box
Ellis Hamburger, Business Insider

Peekaboo. The top comes off the box. Note the iCloud sticker on the side of the box.

iphone 4s unbox
Ellis Hamburger, Business Insider

Here it is, the iPhone 4S. No wonder Apple didn't change up the design, even if we did get hyped up about it. This thing is gorgeous.

iphone 4s angle
Ellis Hamburger, Business Insider

Here's the front of the iPhone 4S. It looks just like the iPhone 4, and even has the same VGA front-facing camera.

iphone 4s front
Ellis Hamburger, Business Insider

Despite 2.5 years of time, the iPhones 4S and our old iPhone 3GS are basically the same size.

iphone 4s iphone 3gs angle
Ellis Hamburger, Business Insider

The iPhone 4S' Retina IPS display has a different hue to it when it's turned off.

iphone 4s iphone 3gs fronts
Ellis Hamburger, Business Insider

The iPhone 4S' glass back and 8MP camera puts the 3GS' plastic back and 3.2 MP camera to shame. We will miss the curved edges of the 3GS, however.

iphone 4s iphone 3gs backs
Ellis Hamburger, Business Insider

A crack developed inside the headphone jack of our 3GS. Also, the sleep button stopped working.

iphone 4s iphone 3gs tops
Ellis Hamburger, Business Insider

The bottom of the 3GS got very dinged up after two years, and even developed a crack.

iphone 4s iphone 3gs bottoms
Ellis Hamburger, Business Insider

Apple bundles in headphones, a charger, and USB cord. That's it.

iphone 4s cables
Ellis Hamburger, Business Insider

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